Three Golden Hairs

This week my piece, I wrote for my colleague and friend Emlyn Stam, came over the post, so it is finally published and ready to purchase. Go to Viola Viva!

My father collected fairy tales and stories and took every opportunity to read them out loud. He even liked telling them on stage, immersing his audience – us, his children, his family, pupils and friends – in a world of meaningful imagination. Thanks to our German mother, our favourites were the fairytales of the Brothers Grimm. Both Evil and Good are present in every human being. But in our lives, we have to learn the art of resisting the former or at least of laughing at it. Unfor- tunately, not everyone manages this. Young people’s escapades are rarely meant to be mean, though they sometimes end badly. A lot of courage is then needed to recognise your mistakes and admit to them. In the present fairytale, the lucky boy is confronted with his alter ego. The solution is actually the apology that follows a failed escapade.

Here, Evil is represented by the rascal who yearns for the love of his grandmother. If we view this grandmother as a kind of magnifying glass through which we can see our pranks magnified, it offers us a renewed opportunity to learn to resist Evil.

In 2023, during the hottest summer ever recorded across the world, the Dutch government collapsed amidst the escalating dispute about asylum seekers and the rising number of victims of the war in Ukraine. As Evil grew bigger and bigger, my father came to mind again. I saw him as a grandmother, as a magnifying glass, looking over my shoulder as I wrote this piece.

Designing an attractive concert program

A lecture on new approaches for successful concert venues

In April and July I will present a lecture about the musician, his way to the stage and all the obstacles on this path. History, influences of the society and our changes of the world. Do we wait for the telephone to ring or should we be musician, composer, agent and manager in one? How can we get help?

I know, after weeks of research I won’t be ready, but maybe with my audience, we will have a good discussion and have new ideas to be creative and successful.

Thee Golden Hairs, written in summer 2023 for Emlyn Stam
Next concerts: April 2024 Poland, May 2024 Netherlands, July 2024 Brazil

Te Voet

Op zaterdag 18 november organiseert stichting Augustijnenhof een filmische wandeling door het leven van Johannes Eusebius Voet,hertaler van een deel van de 150 psalmen in 1773.
In een combinatie van livemuziek en verhalen vormt deze wandeling een uniek programma dat plaats zal vinden in de Augustijnenkerk. Hierin zal ik als muzikale gids de wandeling begeleiden. Een uniek en creatief uitdagend project!

Zaterdag 18 november 13.30 in de Augustijnenkerk

Voor meer informatie en reserveren voor deze unieke gebeurtenis: Lees hier….

Altviooldag Dordrecht 29 mei 2023


10.00 Masterclasses sessie 1 
11.15 Masterclasses sessie 2
11.00 Ensemblespel (groot altvioolorkest) 
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Masterclasses sessie 3
15.30 Concert
17.00 naborrel met verkoop van bladmuziek


Masterclass € 50 (inclusief lunch en concert)
 Altvioolorkest € 35 (inclusief lunch en concert)
 Voor publiek €30 (inclusief lunch en concert)
 Tickets voor het concert €17,50 (studenten 7,50)

Bent u vriend van de Dutch Viola Society krijgt u €10 korting (dit geldt niet voor de tickets voor het concert!)


Trinitatiskapel – Vriesestraat 20 in Dordrecht Aanmelden

Aanmelden voor de masterclasses, altvioolensemble, toehoorder, lunch en tickets voor het concert: Zie website van de Dutch Viola Society.


Huib Kooyker fotografie

I am composing a suite for viola solo called “Pierrot” Pierrot is a characterout of ‘the commedia dell’arte’ late 17th century performed in Paris. In Poetry, fiction or on stage he is mainly portrayed as a sad clown often pining for love of Columbine, who usually breaks his heart and leaves him for Harlequin. 
The first movement is called “Dawn” and subtitled  “scene of the play”. We see a village in the early morning, and the awakening of Pierrot, Harlequin and Columbine.
The second movement is titled “Pierrot”. Pierrot is a lonely character. His only friend is Harlequin. Sadly he sees how his friend is making fun and taking advantage of the young ladies. It sometimes even makes him angry.
The third movement is a caprice “Caprice of Harlequin”
In the fourth movement Columbine enters the stage. “The  waltz of Columbine”
Both Pierrot and Harlequin fall head over heels for her.
In the fifth movement, Harlequin takes the initiative and asks Columbine for a dance. Pierrot sees it from back stage and is sad and angry. “Dance of Harlequin and Columbine”.
His anger brings him to a confrontation with Harlequin. It comes to a fight between the two companions. Where the knife came from nobody knows, but sadly Columbine, who comes between the two, gets the deadly stab. This will be the last movement

I finished the work in August 2021 and played my first concert on the 27th of the same month.

Next concerts: 12th and 13th of Februari 2022: click here

In June 2022 the first edition wax published! You can purchase the music here!

Zomerconcerten Dordrecht

Yes, I got a subsidy from the local council to organize a new serie of concerts in my hometown. So I can invite my friends to do a concert.

Go to the website and find out if you can visit one of the 14 concerts!

Minor Viola

Codarts University asked me to make a promotion film for the minor viola for violinists. There is still some fear for violinists to play the viola. Or is the fear with their teachers?

Corona en nieuwe invulling van de muzikale bezigheden.

Tsja, en dan was er Corona en alles ligt stil, tenminste…..? Zo stil nou ook weer niet. Ik heb immers mijn baan als docente aan het Conservatorium in Rotterdam en digitaal lesgeven kan best.

De verbinding was snel gemaakt met de studenten, maar hoe nu verder. Eerst had ik voor iedere student een uur ingeroosterd en dan via de verbinding lesgeven. Geluidskwaliteit met Face Time is wel OK, mits de WiFi verbinding uitstekend is. Skype is wat minder en mijn lijn met Portugal is uiterst slecht.

Ik beloof de studenten instructiefilmpjes te sturen en zij studeren mij filmpjes terug. Met Watts App gaat dat het snelst. Maar al na 5 dagen zit mijn telefoon en iPad helemaal vol. Hoe kan dat? ik heb de filmpjes toch gewist? Gelukkig wijst mijn jongste leerling mij erop dat er ook nog een prullenbak op mijn telefoon zit en dat ik die ook moet leeggooien. Weer wat geleerd.

Nu na drie weken hebben we een modus gevonden. We bespreken begin van de week wat er gedaan mot worden en in de loop van de week krijg ik het nodige aantal filmpjes binnen welke ik beoordeel en van commentaar voorzie. Ik heb een deelbare map voor iedere student gemaakt en daarin worden alle filmpjes, bladmuziek en aanwijzingen gestopt. Praktisch en de telefoons blijven leeg!