I am composing a suite for viola solo called “Pierrot” Pierrot is a characterout of ‘the commedia dell’arte’ late 17th century performed in Paris. In Poetry, fiction or on stage he is mainly portrayed as a sad clown often pining for love of Columbine, who usually breaks his heart and leaves him for Harlequin.
The first movement is called “Dawn” and subtitled “scene of the play”. We see a village in the early morning, and the awakening of Pierrot, Harlequin and Columbine.
The second movement is titled “Pierrot”. Pierrot is a lonely character. His only friend is Harlequin. Sadly he sees how his friend is making fun and taking advantage of the young ladies. It sometimes even makes him angry.
The third movement is a caprice “Caprice of Harlequin”.
In the fourth movement Columbine enters the stage. “The waltz of Columbine”
Both Pierrot and Harlequin fall head over heels for her.
In the fifth movement, Harlequin takes the initiative and asks Columbine for a dance. Pierrot sees it from back stage and is sad and angry. “Dance of Harlequin and Columbine”.
His anger brings him to a confrontation with Harlequin. It comes to a fight between the two companions. Where the knife came from nobody knows, but sadly Columbine, who comes between the two, gets the deadly stab. This will be the last movement.
I finished the work in August 2021 and played my first concert on the 27th of the same month.
Next concerts: 12th and 13th of Februari 2022: click here
In June 2022 the first edition wax published! You can purchase the music here!
In Autumn 2022 I made a recording of the whole suite. You can listen to it here: